Hi everyone,
I hope you are doing ok. Here are some of the amazing ladies I party with on a weekly basis.
Musing of a tired Mummy | Visible Mondays | Color&Grace | Style-Splash | Good Random Fun | Away From The Blue | Mutton Style | My Glittery Heart | Glass of Glam | Claire Justine | Anita Ojeda | Create With Joy | Fine Whatever | The Grey Brunette
Style Elixir | Myriad Musings | I Do deClaire | Elegantly Dressed & Stylish | WalkingInMemphis In High Heels & The FashionCanvas | Style With A Smile | Will wear what I want | Shelbee On The Edge | Good Random Fun |The Queen In Between | My Girlish Whims | Links a la Mode | The Scribbling Bloomer | Playdates to Parties | French Ethereal | Ducks ‘N a Row |
Pumps &Push Ups | Shopping My Closet | My Girlish Whims | Pastries, Pumps &Pi | Claire Justine | Effortlessly Sophisticated | Straight a Style | Jersey Girl Texan Heart | Living On Cloud Nine | Lindsay Sweet World | Rosy Outlook & Seeking Sunshine | Is This Mutton | Elegance & Mommyhood | The Main Line Life
Curly Crafty Mom & Douse in Pink | High Latitude Style | Jersey Girl Texan Heart (monthly) | A labour of Life | Thursday Moda | Mumma be Stylish | Good Random Fun | Thirty Minus One | Lazy Daisy Jones | Thirty Minus One | An Artful Mom | Aprons Strings & other things | Life as a LEO Wife | Chez Mireille
Lizzie in Lace | Style Elixir | Musings of a Housewife | Color & Grace | High five for Friday | Friday Favorites | Nancy Fashion Style | Claire Justine | A pocket full of Polka Dots | Shelbee on the Edge | Middle of Somewhere & Fashionista Momma | Sharing a Journey | Momfessionals | The Grey Brunette | Confessions of a Montreal Styling Diva | Life at 139A | Marsha in the Middle | Create With Joy | Two Chicks and a Mom | ChajLeen Blog
The Fashionista Momma | Amanda’s Books and More
Happiness is homemade |Elegance &Mommyhood | What I wore Sunday | Disisd | The House on Silverado | Ridge Haven Homestead | Elegance and Mommyhood & Chez Mireille
This is where I link up on a weekly/monthly basis. Some of the parties may have been discounted since my last clean-up. Don’t hesitate to let me know of any other blogger parties I should attend.
Thanks for stopping by,
Visit my blog here