Hi everyone,
At the beginning of January every year, we hear many greetings of Happy New Year. It’s a time of making resolutions and sending wishes for health, happiness, peace, fulfillment, success in various ventures, etc. One of the most popular resolutions has to do with weight loss and fitness. However, there is a constant in that formula, which is that you are still dealing with the same body.
You are re-setting your intention to take care of that body and lose weight by going on a diet, eating better, going to the gym more often, and getting healthier in the process. The challenge is to sustain that intention, and that’s how we get into a cycle of constant renewal and reinvention. Sometimes we are not able to quite follow through on these plans, and so we have to change and modify them to get better results. In the coming post, I will provide you with tips and tricks to help you keep up with your goals so you can have new ones in the following years.
In the meantime, enjoy, and Happy New Year! My wish for you is a year that will refresh your spirit and psyche, renew your sense of purpose and fulfillment, and reinvent the meaning of your life every day of the year.
Thanks for stopping by.